CFK Services, LLC

Electric Vehicle Supple Equipment

EVSE Infrastructure Installation

CFK Services, LLC is spearheading efforts to develop EV charging networks across communities nationwide.

Together with partner agencies, like energy, environment, and general contractors we ensure that charging infrastructure is deployed strategically and in collaboration with states and local governments as well the communities we serve.

Our construction and design-build services include architectural, engineering, construction, and other related services necessary to design and to construct electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) infrastructure improvements and installation.

Project locations may include publicly accessible locations such as

  • Public roads and highways

  • Schools and parks

  • Government-owned facilities,

  • Rural and disadvantage communities,

  • High volume shopping areas

  • Restaurants

Increased charger installation and easier access will encourage consumer participation and lead to a more sustainable lifestyle for all.

Level 2 Charger

For Customers, Residents, and Employees

JuiceBox Pro is a Level 2 charging station with all the smart charging features that cost-conscious businesses and organizations need to maximize their EV infrastructure investments.

Powered by our JuiceNet® smart EV charging platform, JuiceBox Pro offers direct administrator control and energy optimization through user-friendly apps and web-based dashboards.

Level 2 charging averages 10-20 miles of ranger per hour and is suitable for areas where someone might park their car and dwell, such as restaurants, retail shops, and single or multi-family residence.

DC Fast Charger

For Retail, Hospitality, Workplace

The TRI93-50 is a compact, reliable, and robust DC fast charger capable of charging all EVs on the market. This all-in-one unit is small enough to suit your site’s configuration and maximize your parking space without need for expensive site modifications.

The world’s smallest footprint DC charger for flexible site location options also supports a wide range of grid voltages and is designed to thrive in any environmental condition or temperature range.

DC Fast Charging averages 60-80 miles of ranger per 20 minutes of charging making them suitable along high-volume corridors such as highways, shopping malls, and refueling stations.